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Unit 8 When is your birthday?教案--苗苗

时间:2014-06-11 15:44来源:未知 作者:苗苗 点击:

Unit 8 When is your birthday?


Task 1: Learn by oneself:

 Revise the words of the months and dates.

1.     Sing a song: ”Twelve months”

2.     Have a match:

Who can say them quickly?

3.     Draw a picture of a heart. Then the teacher asks the students about the questions:

What’s this? It’s a heart. It’s my heart. It’s a happy heart. I’m happy, because today is my birthday. How should you say to me?

The students can say to “Happy birthday!”

Task 2: Work in groups:

1.My birthday is on December 28th. What about yours?


A:When is your birthday?

B:My birthday is __________.

A:What about yours?

B:It’s _____________.


Choose some pairs to act out the conversations.

2.Show up the pictures. Ask some questions about him\her.

A: Who’s he/she?

B: He’s/She’s ______.

A:When is his /her birthday?

B:His /Her birthday is _________.

A:How old is he/she?

B:He’s/She’s _____ years old.

3.They are famous kids. They are very lovely. Yes? Do you like them? Do you like your parents? Who knows your parents’ birthdays ? Can you tell me?

When is your father’s birthday?

My father’s birthday is _________.

When is your mother’s birthday?

Sorry ,I don’t know.

As we know, parents are the most important people in our life. They give us life, health, happiness and many things. So we should know our parents’ birthdays. So say to my parents: Parents, I love you! Follow the teacher to say it loudly.

4.     Group-work:

A:When is your father’s birthday?

B:His birthday is ____________.

A:How old is he?

B:He’s ____ years old.

Task 3: Feedback:

1.     Do you remember our School Day?

Show up some pictures and tell the teacher what it is!

Picture 1  school trip

Picture 2  book sale

Picture 3  Chinese contest

Picture 4  art festival

What other things can you remember?

Let the students list the things and say them out. The teacher writes them down on the blackboard.

2.     Look at the form.

!) Work in groups: Finish the form

2) Have a report

Like this:

Dear student:

we have some interesting and fun things for you._________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

This is a really busy day! Have a good time!


Choose some groups to read their writings ,encourage the good ones and check the mistakes


 Make your own note to your parents, invite them to your School Day.




November 22nd 

school trip

November 23rd

Book sale

November 24th

ball games

November 25th

art festival

November 26th

English party


本节课是一节复习课,设计意图分为Section A and Section B

两个部分。 Section A部分侧重在复习月份单词和序数词。并且创设情景小组练习对话。这个部分的导入,我采用了以下几个环节:1、跟唱英语歌曲复习月份单词,以做游戏形式呈现序数词的复习。这两个环节直接调动起学生学习的主动性和积极性,学生的参与热情很高。3.、巧妙的过渡句吸引学生的注意力,并且将他们引入对话操练学习中。并且运用《爸爸去哪儿了?》中五个名星孩子的照片来吸引学生的眼球。将学习氛围带到一个高潮。学生在小组合作学习中共同学习对话,练习口语表达能力。培养合作意识。4.德育渗透将本课推上最高潮。Section B部分侧重于学生综合能力的提高。首先,带着学生们回顾了上个月学校组织的校园文化节。在出示的各种照片中,学生们争先恐后地说出各项活动的名称。并且谈出自己对这些活动的感受。这个环节的活动是部分的一大亮点。这个时候我抓住时机,让学生们当导演,来设计一下明年的校园文化节。出示表格让他们规划自己的活动。最后以作文形式写出来,以小组为单位汇报。在读写中综合运用了本单元的所有知识点。最后以前后照应的手法。再次将自己的生日呈现。让孩子们为我唱生日快乐歌。老师给学生们发礼物————家庭作业,让孩子们在歌曲中和欢笑中结束本节课的学习。




1、          板书设计:



3、           我觉得本课我最骄傲的地方在于设计的活动能够紧紧抓住


