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课堂实录 魏志平

时间:2012-06-21 10:41来源: 作者: 点击:


Unit12 Dont eat in class.
Period 1 Section A(1a-2b)
济水一中 魏志萍
Step 1.Learn by themselves.
T:Good morning, everyone.
Ss:Good morning,Miss Wei.
T:How is the weather today?
Ss: Its sunny but a little hot.
T:You know, sunny days can make us happy. Are you happy today?
Ss: Yes.
T: Thank you.Sit down, please.
2.Make a survey:
T:We are students. As students, what can we do ? What cant we do? For example, can we listen to music in the classroom?
Ss: No, we cant.
T:So, before class, lets make a survey. Can we do homework in class?
Ss:Yes, we can.
T:Can we listen to the teachers in class?
Ss: Yes, we can.
T:Can we run in the hallways?
Ss:No, we cant.
T: Do you knowin the hallways?
Ss: 在走廊里。
T: Right. Its very dangerous.Yes or no?
T:Can weread a book?
Ss: Yes, we can.
T:Can we wear hats in class?
Ss:No. we cant.
T: But we can wear hats after school. Next one, can we listen to music in class?
Ss:No, we cant.
T: But we can listen to it in the music room.
Can we eat in the classrooms?
Ss: No, we cant.
T:We can eat in the dining hall. Do you knowin the dining hall?
T:Read after me.Three times.
Can we arrive late for school?
Ss: No, we cant.
3.Lets talk about school rules.
T:Now, look at the picture.What s the boy doing?
S1:Hes listening to music.
T:Can we listen to music in the classroom?
Ss: No, we cant.
T: We cant listen to music in the classroom.
Dont listen to music in the classroom.
(In this way, talk about other school rules.)
4.Do 1a.
T: Look at the picture , which rules are these students breaking? Please write the number of the rules next to the student.
Have you finished it? Who can tell us the answers?
S2: 2,3,5,4,1.
T: Right .Sit down,please. Thank you.
Now, lets have a match. Stand up and recite the school rules as quickly as you can.
Step 2:Work in groups.
1.T: What are the rules at your school?
S1:We cant arrive late for class.
T: What else?
T: Can you make conversations like this in pairs?
Ss: Yes.
T: Who can act out?
Ss: ---.
2.Group work.
If you are a head master, please set the school rules.
If you are Miss Zhang (a head teacher),please set the class rules.
If you are a group leader, please set the group rules.
Please one of them you like best, work in groups and discuss with your classmates and write down the rules.
Step 3. Listening.
T: Read the request by yourselves , who can tell us the Chinese meanings.
T:Listen to the tape and try to finish them.
T: Lets check the answers.
T: Right or wrong?
T: Good, sit down ,please. Lets read after the tape.---
Step 4. Summary.
T: What did we learn today?
S1: School rules. Dont arrive late for class.
S2: Dont fight.
S3: Dont listen to music in the classrooms or the hallways.
T: Yes. Next class, well go on learning it . So, after class, please learn it by themselves.
 So much for today. Bye-bye.
