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复备教案 魏志平

时间:2012-06-21 10:40来源: 作者: 点击:


Unit 12 Dont eat in class.
Period 1 Section A (1a-2b)
济水一中 魏志萍
Step1.Learn by themselves.(12)
1.Make a survey. Tick or cross.
1) Can we---?         do homework in class.
Yes, we can.        listen to the teachers in class.
No, we cant.       run in the hallways
read a book.
wear hats in class
listen to music in class
eat in the classrooms
arrive late for school
2) Talk about what we can do and what we cant do.
For example:
We can eat in the dining hall.
We cant run in the hallways or the classrooms.
       Then let the students talk about their opinions.
2.Talk about school rules.
1) Can we listen to music in the classroom?
       No, we cant.
 We cant listen to music in the classroom.
Dont listen to music in the classroom.
3.Do 1a. Which rules are these students breaking? Write the number of the rule next to the student. Then check the answers.
4.Read and recite the school rules. Let the students recite and write down the rules by themselves. Then correct their mistakes.
Step2. Work in groups.(15)
1.Ask and answer like this:
A: What are the rules at your school?
B: Well. We cant arrive late for school.
Then act out.
2.Tasks: Set some rules.
A:If you are a headmaster, please set the school rules.
B:If youare a head teacher, please set the class rules.
C:If you are a group leader, please set the group rules.
  Choose one of the tasks you like best, and write down the rules in groups. Then report their rules in class. After class, the group leaders have to put up their rules on the wall.
Step 3. Listening(10)
1.Read the request in 1a,2a and 2b by themselves ,then listen to the tape and finish them.
2.Check the answers and emphasize some points.
in the dining hall ;      in the music room
eat outside;               arrive/be late for class
Dont fight with anyone. in the hallways
in class;                  in the classroom
Step4. Summary.(3)
