Unit 15 Reading
济水一中 许勤萍
Step1 Learn by oneself
T: First ,Recite the knowledge in the notebook about unit 15 for about 5 minutes。
S: Students read the knowledge for about 5 minutes。
T:Take out your paper and your ball pens ,dictation.
S:write them on the paper
try to do sth /try doing sth
There used to be
How long /How big
10 feet long
look forward to …
be like / look like
be polluted / become polluted
T: Check the phrases and the sentences.
Recite the mistakes.
Step 2 Groupwork
T: Please talk about the reading skills together.
S1:By according to the context.
S2:By using what you know.
S3: We can use dictionaries to look up the new words.
T: Good,but it wastes time when we are in the test.
S4:We should know different styles of English.
S5:Pay attention to the first paragraph and the last paragraph
T: Ok,all of your ideas are helpful for us.Now look at the reading skills in the screen.
1 .略读 (适用于判断短文主旨大意及中心思想)
2 .扫读 (适用于细节搜索、捕捉、提取及理解 )
3 .细读 (适用于推理判断、揣摩、理解作者意图)
略读 (skimming ) 和扫读 (scanning )
“ Skimming ” 就是选取课文中的重要部分和重要细节,以求抓住主要意思,对课文内容进行总的理解。这一技巧可帮学生时时把注意力集中在课文的主要意思上,而不是与主题无关紧要的细节和个别单词上。
“ Scanning ” 是在学生查找特定信息时,通常无需认真阅读全文,只需找到信息所在的段落,然后认真阅读,来了解课文细节。利用这一技巧进行阅读时,应指导学生寻找课文的有关细节,帮助学生把注意力集中到与主题有关的段落中。
According to the reading skills,let’s read the articles and find the answers.
(Students read the first article for 5 mins)
T:Check the answer. Can you tell me the meaning of “discouraged”
S:It means “be not courage”
T:What is the main idea of the story?
S: “Sometimes bad things may be good for us.”
Step 3 Feedback
1.Sum up “Reading Skills”
S1:We can guess the meaning of the new words by using context,knowing the culture .
S2:We can read the text first to know the main idea,then read the questions and find the answers in the text by reading the second time.
2.Read the new words and phrases in the texts.
Step 4:Homework
Write an article about “How to protect the earth”
小结: 复习上节课知识,可以巩固上堂课的学习内容。多注重学生交际语言的运用,调动学生参与的积极性,提高课堂效率。出示目标,学生按照要求完成任务,应该把握这一个环节的时间。在老师的引导下,学生能够自主地进行探究。